Sun Harvest Space Scene for Unreal Engine 5
Arghanion's Puzzlebox
This Space Scene is an out-of-the-box, straight-to-use project file that gets you on the right track for shooting beautiful space scenes in a Real-Time Environment built in Unreal Engine 5. This Project was created for the purpose to be used in Cinematic Renders, all you need to do is bring in your Space Ship and begin your journey.
The Project's emphasis is on creating an environment where a Dyson Sphere has been constructed around a Star. The megastructure is used to extract the energy of the sun and launch it to the homeworld.
Tutorial Link - Youtube
This Package contains:
- Star with Custom Shader
- Fully customizable Star where you can change almost every detail you can think of. Create your own brilliant Stars with different Color Palettes and Variations
- A planet with Asteroid Rings
- Space Ship with Mouse & Keyboard Support
- Camera Setup for Cinematic Renders
- Star Harvest Blueprint
- Large World Scene
- Star Skybox
- Nebula Star Skybox in Cubemap format
- Asteroid Belt Blueprint
- Instanced Asteroid Belt Blueprint in which you can change various options such as Asteroid Size and Randomness, as well as movement and rotation
Space Scene in Unreal Engine with a Sun Harvester Mega Structure and Space Ship to Fly
1.61 GB
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